School of Hard Knocks Payment Info

Prices for training are: 14 to 17 yers old you will pay in advance $250.00 for the 1st 17 classes, after that it will be $150.00 for the following classes. If you are a female regardless of age it will be the same price as we charge 14 to 17 year olds, with same amount of classes.

Prices for 18 years old and above you will pay in advance $500.00 for the first 20 classes and after completing the first 20 sessins the price then will be $200.00 for the following 12 classes moving forward.

The students are required to fill out and sign release form before stepping into the School of Hard Knocks ring. If under the age of 18, the student must bring in a parent or legal guardian to sign the release form. Each student should be in good health, a sports physical is required for training at the School of Hard Knocks. Each student is required to have his own medical health and liability insurance coverage.

Click the appropriate button to pay for your training. Note: New students MUST sign liability documents prior to beginning training. You may pay by credit card at The School of Hard Knocks.

New Adult Student $500 to Start

New Child Student $250 to Start

Renewing Adult Student $200 Renewal

Renewing Child Student $150 Renewal


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